The world has gone Vampire crazy since the birth of the "Twilight" movies. There are books there are "celebutarts" there are fans willing to do anything that has to to with this new Vamp phenomenon. But is this just? Is it seriously THAT good? Did the world see the same dorky movie that I saw? I just don't get it. My sister who has never opened a non-school book in her life spends her nights reading this series... READING! What! Is fairy-like Vamps all it took to get her to open a book? Why didnt she get hooked on the fairies from "Ferngully" now that was a damn good movie....
Yes, there is sex and love and fear and a new world... But there were all those things in the movie "the Notebook" and "Pocahantus". How did this blow up so big? Would you buy advanced tickets for "Twilight the New Moon"? What do you think?
(images from: http://www.fortunespawn.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/blood_spatter.jpg as well as baltimoremagazine.net)
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I enjoyed the movie. I know, I know!
What did piss me off is that they're vampires right? If they're vampires why aren't any vampire rules applied?
All of a sudden vampires have fish scales when in the sun? What the hell kinda crap is that. There's nothing wrong with creating a new character or monster but don't call them vampires.
I agree- its bull crap