I'm sorry this blog has resolved to trailers and few words, but hey.. images are worth 1,000 words, right? This blog is Donald Trump rich in knowledge of the dark side.. so fresh on the heels of the Freddy Remake here is something quasi-original. I don't know much about the movie and am not sure if its "real footage" or "looks real, but isn't footage".. but it looks like a damn good time! What do you think?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Do not eat "Coraline" with Mushrooms

"Coraline" is one of the most amazing movie's I have ever seen! How this film was made for children I am not sure... It was terrifying!
The visuals were amazing and when I say amazing I mean out of this world unbelievable. SEVERAL times through out the movie I said out loud- OH MY GOD am I really seeing this? Things that don't make sense make sense. It is a modern day life like Alice in Wonderland.
Through the ribbed tunnel that oddly resembled a fallopian tube in "Coraline" the main character goes into a different world. The tunnel passageway between both worlds was symbolic in that form because she was going to see her mother on either side, symbolising birth and seeing your mother "for the first time". This is my own take on it but I'm willing to take more ideas in!
Things seem great at first then oddly take a weird turn to scare your socks off. This film is 5 star seen with or without the 3D glasses.
Image from alexmasterson.wordpress.com
NEW MOON update
My friends over at at Fandango.com have reported that there are FIFTY pre sale sell outs to the movie "New Moon". I just want all of you to keep in mind the insanity of this- "New Moon" does not come out for TWO MONTHS! Has this ever happened before???
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Twilight lights a New Moon?

The world has gone Vampire crazy since the birth of the "Twilight" movies. There are books there are "celebutarts" there are fans willing to do anything that has to to with this new Vamp phenomenon. But is this just? Is it seriously THAT good? Did the world see the same dorky movie that I saw? I just don't get it. My sister who has never opened a non-school book in her life spends her nights reading this series... READING! What! Is fairy-like Vamps all it took to get her to open a book? Why didnt she get hooked on the fairies from "Ferngully" now that was a damn good movie....
Yes, there is sex and love and fear and a new world... But there were all those things in the movie "the Notebook" and "Pocahantus". How did this blow up so big? Would you buy advanced tickets for "Twilight the New Moon"? What do you think?
(images from: http://www.fortunespawn.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/blood_spatter.jpg as well as baltimoremagazine.net)
Last House, Good Call

I saw the original "Last house on the Left" in college over spring break with some great friends. It was fantastic. How my friend and I (who are MAJOR horror fanatics) convinced regular people to watch this film at a beach house I'm not sure.
I was nervous about seeing the remake because (we all know how i feel about remakes) of the fear of a classic being destroyed in my memory. This film was ANYTHING but destroyed. It was perfectly mimicked.
It was a modern take on the original movie, but all the same elements were there. The killers still had the same raw punk edge to them, and there was one element I remember distinctly. It the original film the killers shared a sense of vanity that was STRIKING. For example- any time one of the three were hurt, there was an over reaction of ANGER. This is seen in the movie remake with the female killer getting SO angry when she is burned with a car lighter. She gets so mad that it will leave a scar forever, even though she is killing people she does not care- all she cares about is herself. This character in the original gets angry when she is struck with a rock for the same reason- she will have a scar. What I find amazing is that these characters have a trait that could go unnoticed to the movie watcher, yet is a discrete link to the personality of the character. It is smart. It is bold. It is real.
The remake was just as good in my opinion, however I was MUCH more disturbed by the rape scene than I was in the original. It was long. It was graphic. It was scary. I tried really hard not to fast forward through it because it was so graphic and long. It was horrifying in the original as well, however it was taken to a new level in the remake.
The gore was B+ at most, and I will say there is one thing that is STILL confusing me about this film- the ending. I wont spoil it with names and characters but once you have seen it you will know what I am saying- WHY THE FUCKING MICROWAVE. It was cooL- explosion and all- but it was the MOST out of place weird thing in the film.
I would say for the most part, AMAZING work. You stuck with the story but did not ruin it with too much modern bull shit. It was timeless setting and a timeless story- Remember one thing... NEVER let people stay at your house, NEVER go into a stranger's motel room for drugs and NEVER give up trying- its all you got left sometimes.
(Photos from cinemachine.blogspot.com and collider.com)
3 killers,
Lake House,
Last House on the Left Reviw,
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